Welcome to the Mothering Spirit newsletter! Each Saturday morning, you’ll receive a round-up of the week’s posts—perfect for your weekend reading.
This week on Mothering Spirit
Cameron Bellm asks who is our neighbor: “More often than I would like, I am the person who, overwhelmed by her inability to do everything, does nothing. I am always aware of my many failings on this front, of my inability to live up to my theology. But my son asked a question that called me home.”
Rakhi McCormick prays for the courage to be prophetic today: “We are tired & weary of weeping & breaking. How long, O Lord? Here I am. Send me.”
In Friday’s resource round-up, we asked readers:
What have your children taught you about being a neighbor?
Share your answers here.
From our sponsors
This week’s sponsor of Mothering Spirit is Give Us This Day, a monthly publication to help you pray daily: morning/evening prayer, Mass readings, and reflections on Scripture. Request a sample copy here to help you pray in the midst of your busy days.
Readers respond
We’ve had lots of inquiries about how to write for Mothering Spirit! The best way to give us a sense of your writing is with a response to our weekly question.
Send your response to this week’s prompt here to newsletter@motheringspirit.com for possible inclusion in a future Mothering Spirit newsletter (400 words max).
A final word for reflection
“I have learned we’re all aching for connection. To be connected. It’s not just us. It’s not just here. There’s no zip code, no cul-de-sac, no apartment complex, subdivision, or stretch of dirt road that isn’t pulsing with possibility. The question is, How do we do it? Where do we start?...More than anything, we’ll need a hearty dose of childlike imagination. Do we believe there’s a better option than the one we’ve been given?”
Shannan Martin, Start with Hello: (And Other Simple Ways to Live as Neighbors)
This post contains affiliate links. Photo by Eliott Reyna on Unsplash.