Welcome to the Mothering Spirit newsletter! Each Saturday morning, you’ll receive a round-up of the week’s posts—perfect for your weekend reading.
This week on Mothering Spirit
Jenni Ho-Huan tells the story of discovering and accepting her son’s neurodiversity:
“I prayed often with and for him. I began to read up on neurodiversity and all the conditions I thought he may have. I called on friends and learned that I have to protect and champion my child when society did not have a place for him.
Kel is seventeen today. He comes to me for hugs each day. His wit is great, he hardly raises his voice, and he manages his academic endeavors by himself. He even intoned one day that he is grateful for how deeply loved he is.
But the journey of acceptance, healing, and self-mastery was a long, painful roller-coaster ride.”
Read the whole essay here: Love That Overcomes Darkness.
Rahki McCormick offers us an Easter prayer to search for small miracles, even in the darkness:
“Guard our hearts against staring so intensely
at the darkness of the tomb that we
close ourselves off to the glimmer of light
at work in the shadows revealing the hope of the resurrection.
May we witness the small shoots of new life
pushing through the hardened ground.
May we begin to look with wonder at the little things,
and see in them Your glory and loving care.”
Pray the whole prayer here.
From the archives
If life is feeling nothing like Easter right now, you might find comfort in these words:
“We don’t have to reconcile any of the tensions we are feeling. This is not the time for happy endings or pretty bows. But the weight of so many at once is too much. I still wake up every morning and have to blink my way back into the world where this is real.
I don’t know how we go on. I just know that we go on...
At every meal we sing Alleluia after we give thanks. Most of the time I don’t even want to hear it. But we all sing it. Kids warbling off-key, toddler joining in with babbles. Even when I don’t want to, I sing it. I listen to the ones I love sing it. I know we need to sing it.
The only way that Alleluia becomes the shape of our hearts again is by singing.”
(From “Still Easter” by Laura Kelly Fanucci)
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